Round table in Bulgaria on the ERASMUS + project GSS-VET

 In GSS News – EN



From the Meeting of the Bulgarian Partners on the Project

Held on 29th May 2017.


Today, 29th May 2017, at the Center for International Meetings – TU, Sofia, a meeting of the Bulgarian Partners under the Project GSS – VET: Geothermal and solar systems – Vocational education and training””, was duly convened. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the European labour Institute (ELI), Sofia Energy centre (SEC), Technical universiuty-Sofia (TU-Sofia) and Chamber of installation specialists in Bulgaria (CISB), as well as by guests – representatives of the Agency for sustainable energy development and the National Agency for vocational education and training” (NAVET).

Chairperson of the meeting – Irina Terziyska, ELI.

Secretary – Nina Nikolova,CISB.

The meeting was held in accordance with the following Agenda:

  1. Presentation of the Project;
  2. Presentation of the partners and the activities completed by them to date;
  3. Discussion of issues that have arisen in the course of the work under the Project;
  4. Discussion of issues to be raised at the 2nd International meeting under the Project in San Sebastian, Spain.

Under Items 1 and 2 of the Agenda:

The meeting was opened by Marin Marinov (TU);

The following presentations were shown:

  • D-r eng. I. Terzyiska (ELI) – the objectives of the project, the national reports on the VET programs for geothermal and solar installers in Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Germany;
  • Prof. M.Marinov (TU) – results of the survey of innovative teaching methods and best practices for VET performance;
  • E. Stoyova ( SEC) – the results of the project PVTRIN;
  • N. Nikolova (CISB)– the results of the interview on the VET needs of the BG installers of geothermal and solar systems.

Under Item 3 of the Agenda:

The following questions were raised in connection with problems encountered in the course of the work under the Project:

  1. Lack of clearly defined requirements and criteria for 4th and 5th qualification levels. The guests from NAVET expressed their opinion and cast light on the issues.
  2. Questions connected with the process of certification under the Project. After a discussion, in which all attendees took part, it was concluded that the said certification could be performed by the respective licensed VTCs /Vocational Training Centres/.
  3. Discussion of the good practices in the field of training installers of geothermal and solar installations. After discussing the proposals, the participants agreed on projects (PVTRIN, SIRET, etc.), to be used as examples of good practices.

Under Item 4 of the Agenda:

After a discussion in which all participants took part, the following resolutions were adopted:

  1. To propose measures at the San Sebastian meeting for the sustainable implementation of the Project.
  2. To clarify and standardise/harmonize/ the definitions of 4th and 5th qualification levels.
  3. To define the entry-level qualification requirements for the participants /trainees/ in the training under the Project.
  4. To define and select entities to verify the curricula to be developed under the Project, and to certify the participants in the planned training.
  5. To discuss the way in which the timesheets and financial reports are to be filled, and fill in a sample timesheet and report, which will be used as an example by the partners.

As there were no other items on the Agenda, the meeting was declared closed.


Sofia, 29.05.2017.


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