Training of trainers of Bulgarian VET institutions
With the aim to widely spread the GSS-VET training’s materials and the new training methodology, after the successful pilot training of the solar installers, the BG partners organized a training of professors in VET institutions.
7 trainers from secondary technical schools, the University of architecture, construction and geodesy, experts in Companies dealing with green VET have been acquainted with the following topics by representatives of the 4 BG project partners :
- New training methodology:
- Contents of the GSS-VET training materials on solar systems;
- Use and work with the on-line Platform;
- Self and work-based training;
- Evaluation and certification of the acquired skills and competences.
As soon as the on-Platform i.e. all training materials become publicly accessible, info for their exploitation will be sent to relevant VET institutions, technical secondary schools and universities country-wide as well as to EU partners ( from other projects) and networks dealing with VET in the RES/green sector.