GSSVET is an Erasmus funded program involving 4 countries and 14 partners, aiming to update and certify skills of electricians and plumbers in Photovoltaic, Solar-Thermal and Geothermal energy fields.
GSSVET is an Erasmus funded program involving 4 countries and 14 partners, aiming to update and certify skills of electricians and plumbers in Photovoltaic, Solar-Thermal and Geothermal energy fields.
GSSVET is an Erasmus funded program involving 4 countries and 14 partners, aiming to update and certify skills of electricians and plumbers in Photovoltaic, Solar-Thermal and Geothermal energy fields.
GSSVET is an Erasmus funded program involving 4 countries and 14 partners, aiming to update and certify skills of electricians and plumbers in Photovoltaic, Solar-Thermal and Geothermal energy fields.


Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) is a Public Educational Institute. It was founded in 1983. The Institute is a part of the higher education system of Greece and it provides undergraduate and postgraduate education services. It offers 15 Bachelor degrees and postgraduate studies leading to Master of Science degrees. It focuses on research and innovation as well as lifelong learning and it offers technological and consultancy services of high quality.
The HMU employs around 400 qualified academic and technical staff and serves more than 14.500 students. HMU has campuses in all major cities of Crete: Chania, Rethymno, Heraklion, Agio Nikolao and Sitia.

It’s aim is to make sure study programs are well structured and efficient, that there are successful graduate placements and that student services such as accommodation and restaurant facilities. There are limitless opportunities for active student participation in research and development projects (HMU has the top success rate and recognition in research among its peers), for student exchanges with over 100 foreign universities and for paid work at the Institute laboratories. Graduates can also continue with Postgraduate Studies at the Institute or at cooperating Universities in Greece and abroad, with the active support of HMU professors.

ECTE – European Center in Training for Employment is certified by the Ministry of Education as Educational Center for Continuous Education, as well as guidance for employment center. The educational programs that ECTE develops and implements are targeting in the adaptation of the working force to the transformations of the technological, socio-economic and physical environment, the promotion of regional development, the improvement of the existing and the acquisition of new qualifications, and the exchange of experience and know-how in national and international level.
The main activity areas are the planning and elaboration of projects for the development of human resources, which integrate innovation and European dimension, are based on dynamic partnerships and pursue synergy and quality in results. The activity sectors are:

  • Implementation of training programmes.
  • Training material – training modules development.
  • Elaboration of researches and studies (training need analysis, market researches) related to the needs of the labour market
  • Planning and development of international European projects related with the local development, employment and social cohesion.

The purpose of the CCIC is within the boundaries of the region, „the protection & development of trade, industry, crafts, professions, the service sector & exports, according to the interests & objectives of the national economy, the development & progress of this.“


Main activities of CCIC :

  • Submits recommendations to the government advisory & consultative status on matters of trade, manufacturing & services sector.
  • issues to members of CCIC certificates of registration & home products, confirming the authenticity of these signatures, records systematically commercial & business customs, provides information to its members & the State on foreign markets, international economic developments.
  • takes the necessary steps for compliance of the General Commercial Registry
  • undertakes the management & industrial free zones, shopping centers, permanent exhibitions & exhibition areas, stations, ports, auction halls, general stores, laboratory analysis & examination of goods.
  • is authorized to constitute non-profit companies with self-management of their resources, including EU funds or revenues from other international organizations in order to develop IT, lifelong education & training, including training & education of its members or third parties in
    accordance with the provisions of Law 3369/2005
  • conducts seminars & training programs & issues certificates in accordance with the provisions of Law 3369/2005, organizes conferences, seminars & training programs, the performance of those assigned directly to specific persons & provide the relevant certificates, subsidizes their executives & provide professional expertise or experience any form, domestically or abroad. May constitute committees & working groups of members, employees or third parties, & assign qualified personnel studies & other work related purposes.

HELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF PHOTOVOLTAIC COMPANIES (HELAPCO) is a non profit organization, established in 2002, representing the major PV companies active in the production, trading, installation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems in Greece.

HELAPCO represents the domestic market in international meetings and fora, and is a member of SolarPower Europe the umbrella organization of all PV associations in Europe.

TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has been operating in Greece since 1994 and is a 100% subsidiary of TÜV AUSTRIA, which has a presence in over 40 countries in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas provides independent third-party services in the form of Technical Audits, Inspections and Certifications, as well as offers know-how, combined with lifelong-learning services, in a large number of specialised sectors of economic activity.

TÜV AUSTRIA Hellas has Accreditation from the Hellenic Accreditation System as an Inspection, Certification and Technical Auditing Body for virtually all of its activities and is also a Notified Body in the European Union, under Notification Number 0906. The relevant Notification Number of the parent company, TÜV AUSTRIA, is 0408.

The Organization has central offices in Athens, with Greek branches in Thessaloniki, Heraklion (Crete) and Mytilene, and branches abroad in Cyprus (Nicosia), Egypt (Cairo), Jordan (Amman), Albania (Tirana), and Qatar (Doha), while has also significant client lists and partnerships in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates.

SQLearn specialises in the provision of integrated e-learning solutions and m-learning application and training. It addresses enterprises, public authorities & educational institutions offering them custom & generic e-learning solutions.

E-learning Experts
SQLearn uses best of breed technology & work with open source SW thus, ensuring our clients the best possible results along with an immediate return on investment. Our objective is for e-learning and m-learning to be part of the culture of each enterprise and educational institution. Our staff, project managers, trainers, web developers, instructional designers, programmers and e-learning consultants, are available to construct the appropriate solution for each initiative, whether this is a national project, EU funded project, private client etc. SQLearn is ISO accredited for the design of e-learning material as well as development & have elaborated services such as: conducting training needs analysis, design specific learning plans, design & develop e-learning content/LMS, e-training and production of seminars. Moreover, the research areas of SQLearn involve pedagogies in learning, training, delivery methods and platforms.


ALECOP’S mission and context

ALECOP, founded in 1966 and headquartered in Mondragon, in the highly industrialized Basque region of northern Spain, is nowadays a diversified group specialised in the provision of professional services for educational institutions and companies and manufacturing of educational equipment for vocational training and engineering. It is essentially committed to quality education and training, and to learning and development for the twenty-first century’s work and life, and this value underlies and connects such diverse activities, developed at both national and international levels.

ALECOP makes part of the Mondragon Corporation which is one of the largest corporate groups in Spain, which is integrated by industrial cooperatives and associated firms worldwide. Innovation, education and people are considered key factors for meeting competitiveness and social development goals. ALECOP has notably grown steadily within this corporate context in close relationship with vocational and higher education institutions, research centres and leading industries, many of which are currently strategic partners.

Educational equipment

ALECOP is the leader of educational equipment in Spain. In close collaboration with schools, teachers and industry, ALECOP designs, develops and markets technical training equipment for engineers, technicians and STEM’s students. Customers range from universities and colleges to vocational schools and industrial training centres, in Spain and worldwide. Its products cover specifically electrical engineering, renewable energy, automotive technology, manufacturing systems and telecommunications areas. ALECOP believes in proven teaching approaches and hands-on training systems which can be all enhanced by using advanced educational technology to have effective, optimal and scalable solutions applicable at student, classroom or school-wide levels.

Professional services for education and companies

ALECOP provides also a specialised service of educational consulting and engineering to public and private educational institutions, general and vocational. Often, this general approach fructifies in a diversity of projects including diagnosis and evaluation, curriculum development, educational projects, capability building, provision of equipment and learning spaces and management. Notably, ALECOP in partnership with the University of Mondragon, promotes its own education model and has ruled accordingly to such model some institutions of vocational and higher education in several countries. Additionally, since its founding ALECOP has kept a historical program of mediation for effective alternation between study and work linking engineering students, university and companies; currently, this program has been adapted to official apprenticeship models in vocational and higher education. Also, ALECOP offers a general consultancy and training engineering service to companies, aimed in general to talent development.


Instagi is the association of installation and maintenance companies in Gipuzkoa. It is a non-profit organization that groups 503 associated installation companies that carry out the activities of plumbing, gas, heating, air conditioning, electricity and telecommunications installations. The 503 installation companies currently associated with Instagi employ 1,500 people in the activity sectors it covers, electrical installations and fluid installations.

The business association of installers and maintenance companies in Gipuzkoa (INSTAGI) was created in 2006, as an association resulting from the merger of the electricity and telecommunications associations and the plumbing, gas, heating and air conditioning association, which were created in 1987.

Instagi also has 48 collaborating partners, mainly manufacturers, distributors, energy companies and professional training centres related to the sector.


The activities developed by Instagi are focused on representing and defending the interests of installation companies in Gipuzkoa, mainly in those areas related to its sectoral nature. Moreover, given the size of the companies, in general small and micro companies, Instagi provides the same services of:

  • Information: through circulars, electronic bulletins, its web page, its technology watch platform.
  • Training: since its creation, INSTAGI has organized the necessary training for people in terms of the acquisition of technical skills to develop the activity of people and companies in the sector, which are also essential to obtain the necessary qualification according to the sectorial regulations to be able to develop the activity. In addition, it organises technical conferences on subjects related fundamentally to the technology of the sector and the new regulations that affect them.
  • Advice to companies in the technical fields of electricity, telecommunications and plumbing, gas and thermal installations, and in the legal labour field.
  • Other services; such as support for labour management, procedures before industry, support for generational change, advice for internationalisation and management of unpaid bills.


The International Geothermal Center is a large scale, scientific institute for research, education, communication and networking with a regional to global focus. The institute is administrated by the Bochum Hochshule, a VET organisation. With its broad anchorage the institute provides a competence and information center to the public in regard to all queries concerning the utilisation and extraction of geothermal energy. At the institute about 25 researchers and technicians work together on a range of joint projects, mostly in cooperation with industry. The research fields cover all aspects of geothermal energy from heat pump technology for geothermal heating and cooling, the use of geothermal resources via binary power plant processes to high enthalpy applications. The extensive laboratories comprise a geochemical and geophysical laboratory, a large-scale-experiment workshop for drilling- and reservoir technologies and a heat pump laboratory. They do not only form the basis for outstanding collaborative research between science and industry but also allow for vocational training with a practical orientation.

The German Geothermal Association (BVG – Bundesverband Geothermie e.V.) is a branch organisation established in 1991 with a large network of geothermal experts and government representatives. Its approximately 500 members are individuals, companies and institutions from all areas of geothermal energy use and science, from shallow to deep, from planning to drilling. As a representative and supporter of the largest geothermal market in Central Europe, it is a very important mediator between the various interest groups. The following are the main functions of the BVG:

  • Strengthening the geothermal sector
  • Informing the public about the advantages and the possible uses of the technology
  • Dialogue with politicians and political leaders
  • Improvement of the frame conditions and the political situation on a national, European and international level
  • The support of technological development and researches
  • Public education and knowledge sharing

The BVG operates, by far the most visited website on geothermal energy in Germany (approx. 100,000 visitors per month). Both specialists and consumers can find a wide range of useful information there. BVG furthermore publishes “Geothermische Energie”, a specialist journal with 2-3 editions per year and 1,500 copies each.

The IGA Service Company is a limited liability company with headquarters in Bonn, Germany and owned by the International Geothermal Association (IGA). The IGA, founded in 1988, is a scientific, educational and cultural organization established to operate worldwide and has more than 5,000 members in over 65 countries. The IGA is a non-political, non-profit, non-governmental organization. The objectives of the IGA are to encourage and facilitate scientific and technical education in geothermal matters worldwide through the publication of scientific and technical information among the geothermal specialists, business community, governmental representatives, EU and UN organizations, civil society and the general public.


The Technical university of Sofia is a VET provider, and its staff is involved in the activities of the the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training -NAVET (a specialized body to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria established under the Vocational Education and Training Act (VETA) in 1999) and in defining the state educational requirements (SER) for acquiring professional qualifications from the List of professions for vocational education and training. It takes active part in the Government’s acts regarding national strategies, action plans, relevant legislation concerning the sustainable development of the country. The most curricula for the VET trainings up to the EU BUILD UP programmes have been developed with their professional contribution. TU Sofia carries out active researches’ activities, work out publications and organises trainings on the most up-to date topics related to the innovative technologies for energy efficiency, eco-engineering, green and smart cities design etc.

Камарата на Инсталаторите в България (КИБ) е национална браншова организация, създадена през 1995г. Членовете й са физически и юридически лица, работещи в областта на отоплението, вентилация, климатизация, охладителна техника, елетротехника и автоматизация, водоснабдяване и газоснабдяване, енергоспестяващи технологии, възобновяеми енергийни източници и опазване на околната среда.

КИБ е национална асоциация с централен офис в Пловдив и регионални представителства в София, Бургас, Варна и Русе.


  • Идентифициране и прозрачност на дейността на инсталаторите.
  • Подобряване на управлението на инсталационните дейности.
  • Координация и прилагане на обща политика на дружествата, членове на КИБ, като работодатели.
  • Представителство на членовете на КИБ и защита на техните професионални права и интереси.
  • Предложения пред съответните институции и власти за законодателни инициативи.
  • Улесняване на комуникацията и взаимодействието както между нашите членове, така и между тях и държавните и обществени органи.
  • Съдействие за повишаване на компетенциите на инсталаторите и осигуряване на съвременно обучение.

Ние предлагаме следните услуги:

  • Лобиране
  • Съдействие за развитие на по-успешен бизнес
  • Информация за приложимо законодателство
  • Технически панаири и специализирани изложения
  • Издателска дейност
  • Презентации на фирми и продукти
  • Организиране на бизнес форуми, семинари и конференции
  • Информационни услуги
  • Обучение

Тъй като нашата мисия е повишаване на стандартите и качеството на услугите, предоставяни от инсталаторите, ние ръководим наш Център за Професионално Обучение, аакредитиран от НАПОО. В нашия ЦПО, ние предлагаме:  

  • Професионални & квалификационни курсове по повече от 30 професии, като издаваните сертификати са признати не само в България, но и в ЕС
  • Консултации в сферата на професионалното обучение и образование
  • Подновяване на сертификати за компетенции, в рамките на съответния лиценз
  • Интересни лектори от страната и чужбина по най-актуалните проблеми в сектора
  • Развиване и стандартизиране на нови професии и специалности, в съответствие с нуждите на сектора.

Европейският институт по труда / ЕИТ/  е създаден през 2002 г.  Това е неправителствена организация в частна полза. Екипът на института се състои от: електро инженери, по топлотехника,  автоматизация и ИТ, строителни инженери и архитекти, еколози, икономисти – с добра професионална подготовка – академична и практическа.

Основните дейности на института са изследвания в областта на EE и ВЕИ, зелени продукти и технологии, развиване на проекти, обучение и консултации.

Енергийните експерти на института, заедно с  партньори от 11 страни от ЕС, разработиха европейски модел за професионално обучение на електро и ОВКИ специалисти.  До момента са обучили повече от 600 специалисти от малките и средни предприятия, и обществени институции по темите:

  • енергийна ефективност и прилагане на възобновяема енергия в сградния фонд;
  • изгражданео на еко зелено селище;
  • иновационни енергийни услуги, финансови инструменти и бизнес модели за енергийни услуги.


Екипът на института е разработил няколко документи зя прилагане на EE и ВЕИ мерки в сгради, устойчиво енергийно планиране, иновативни бизнес модели и финансовите инструменти за енергийни услуги и т.н.:

  • HowtoGuides за професионално обучение на строителни специалисти;
  • Монография за енергийно ефективно планиране в жилищни територии;
  • Ръководство: Как да изградите еко зелено селище (техническата част);
  • Насока за прилагане на ефективни енергийни услуги.

Институтът работи с БТПП, Асоциацията на архитектите, Камарата на строителите, БАН, столична община, Агенция за устойчиво енергийно развитие, МЕ, МРРБ, и др.

Енергиен център София ООД (SEC) е независима консултантска компания създадена през 1997 и е натрупала значителен опит в прилагането на европейски енергийни проекти в България. През този период Центърът е участвал успешно в различни програми и дейности на Европейската Комисия, между които: PHARE, THERMIE, SYNERGY, SAVE, ALTENER, FP4, FP5, FP6,FP7, IEE, ERASMUS, INTERREG, HORIZON 2020 и други.

Нашите основни цели са:

  • Подпомагане внедряването на нови и ефективни европейски енергийни технологии;
  • Поощряване на сътрудничеството с европейски партньори;
  • Информиране относно новите финансови схеми за внедряване на енергийно ефективни решения и възобновяеми енергийни източници;
  • Поощряване политиката за енергийна ефективност;
  • Стимулиране производството и потреблението на чиста енергия.

Предлагаме следните услуги:

  • Подготовка, разработка, управление и приложение на енергийни проекти и програми;
  • Пазарни проучвания и оценки, в т.ч. потенциал за внедряване на енергийни технологии;
  • Енергийни одити и оценки в сгради и индустрия;
  • Дейности по обучение;
  • Поощрителни и информационни кампании;
  • Организиране на конференции, семинари, бизнес мисии, работни срещи и др.;
  • Изпълнение на демонстрационни проекти;
  • Общински инициативи;
  • Публикации;
  • Научни разработки.

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